
<div class=”factura-restaurante”>
<h1>Factura de Restaurante</h1>

<div class=”descripcion”>

<div class=”pedido”>
<li>Cervezas Chimay-Coste: 4 € </li>
<li>Hamburguesa-Coste: 10 € </li>

<div class=”totales”>
<h2>Total a pagar</h2>
<p><strong>14€ </strong></p>


Factura de Restaurante




  • Cervezas Chimay-Coste: 4 €
  • Hamburguesa-Coste: 10 €
< Espero que te hayan servido:)
Factura De Restaurante Ejemplos

589 comentarios en «▷ Factura De Restaurante Ejemplos»
  1. I’m going to start a serious blog that will eventually hold a great deal of content. I am a graphic designer, and my husband does my web programming, so this is for reals (haha, yes I just said that). That being said, I’ve already started collecting my content and writing entries, but just how much content should a brand new blog have when you “unveil” it to the world (ideally)?. . Thanks :).

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